Grab the whole family and celebrate Kids New Year's Eve at Tap House Grill Palatine 

$17.99 Per Child Includes: Kids Buffet, Sparkling Grape Juice Toast, Balloon Drop, Noise Makers & Goody Bags!
We will have Two Seatings: 4 & 6pm
Make a Reservation: https://www.exploretock.com/.../445336/kids-new-years-eye
Date and Time
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
December 31st, 2023
Two Seatings: 4 & 6pm
Tap House Grill Palatine
56 W Wilson Street, Palatine
$17.99 Per Child Includes: Kids Buffet, Sparkling Grape Juice Toast, Balloon Drop, Noise Makers & Goody Bags!